School Of Architecture And Environmental Design- syllabus for architecther
syllabus for architecther

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  Architecture (B.A.)

  The goal of this major is to train creative students with professional skills in B.A Architectural Engineering. This period takes at least 8 semesters. students in the first 3 semester learn these basic courses:

  Mapping, free-hand Drawing, graphical expression, basis of Architectural designing, in addition to the mathematics, statics, calculating structural factors computer. A course named Architectural drawing is presented from the third semester on, one course annually, simultaneously with the courses like designing, History of Architecture, discussions related to City – constructing & dwelling collections, courses related to the construction technique & the basis of theoretical architecture. At the end, students will Imanige to take M.A in Architecture after defending from their final project.

  1 st semester

  Applied Geometry (2)- Workshop of material & Construction (2)- understanding & expressing the environment- Mathematics & statistics (3)- Getting familiar with Architecture (2)

  2nd Semester

  Architectural expression 1(2)- Geomerty of

  Fundamentals of Architectural designing 1(5)- statics (2)

  3rd Semester

  Architectural expression 2(2)- Human, nature, architecture (2) fundamentals of Architectural designing 2(5 )- mapping (2) constructional materials (2)- Researching (2)


  4th Semester

  Architecturel sketch 1(5)- Getting familiar with the worlds Architecture (2) – imitating from Historical buildings (3)- concrete buildings (2)- Resistance of Materials & Metal Factors (2) –English

  5 th Semester

  Architectural Sketch 2(5) – getting familiar with Contemporary Architecture (2)- Fitting environmental conditions (2)- building

  1 (2)- Village 1(3)- getting familiar with Islamic Architecture (4)

  6 th Semester

  Architectural sketch 3(5)- Electrical Installations of Noise & sound (2)- Mechanical Installations (2)- Building 2 & workshop reports (2)- village 2(2)- law in Architecture (2)- new factors (2).

  7 th Semester

  Architectural sketch 4(5) – Mekering & evaluating (2) getting familiar with the basis of planning (2) – nalysing the urban spaces (3)- getting familiar with building repairing (3)- theoretical basis of Architeeture (2)

  8 th Semester

  Architectural sketch 5(5) – final sidea (6) – work – place forms management (2) – technical Drawing (2)



  Architecture M.A. (non-connected)


  1) Technology This major emphasizes on the technical designing of building and optimal methods of architectural building and the use of appropriate technology in designing, structuring and operating of a building. Besides, it particularly focuses on the general issues on the architecture.

  2) Dwelling

  This major, as one of the most practical majors in architecture and city-constructing, is about the issues related to the dwelling, researching on the problems of dwelling and its solutions, teaching sciences and demanded skills in designing dwelling units and collections.

  3) Sustainable Architecture

  This major, in one hand tries to focus on the maximum use of the environmental resources and optimal use of contemporary technology, and on the other hand emphasizes on the optimal use of resources, eliminating residue and controlling environmental contaminations. This is one of the newest majors in the either national or environmental level.

  4) Educational-Cultural

  This major is ordered in architecture (M.A.) according to the educational atmosphere and specific architectural facets and its operators in the Faculty.

  The Syllabus :

  Researching(2)- Evolution of Architectural Thoughts(2)- Knowledge of Islamic Arts(2)- Methods and Theories of Designing(2)- Architectural Plan1(4)- Architectural Plan2(4)- Laws in Architecture(Optional)(2)- Modern Structures(2)- Traditional Structures(2)- Architecture Compatible with Climate(2)- Advanced Methods in Structuring(2)- Mechanical Theories(2)- Frame Planning of Land(2)- Regulating Land's Conditions(2)- Environmental Psychology(2)- Project Management(2)- Thesis (Research Based)(6)





  Architecture (P.H.D)

  P.H.D researchers pass successfully at least 14 at most 18 units out the syllabus. under the guidance of assistant professor within the allowed time of educational procedure. The units are being chosen in order to Know the modern Concept in every major and enhance the scientific ability of students for researching in their Thesis according to the syllabus The whole educational and researching units in P.H.D are 36.

  This stage of research starts with meeting the necessary conditions in comprehensive exam and ends with the achievement in Thesis and it takes five years and two months.

  The first period of accepting P.H.D researchers in the Faculty was in 1378 and students are graduated and 51 students are studying in this period right now.


  All P.H.D researchers can use group rooms, computer & printer , and can have access to the Internet and information banks in the Faculty and Internet with telephone line out of faculty, personal electronic post.

  * Enterance conditions for P.H.D :

  1. Having general conditions to enter the Amoozesh Ali.

  2.Having M.A in Architecture or city building or other related majors that is confirmed by the Ministery of Science, Researching & Technolojy.

  3. Having scientific qualfications for P.H.D entrance

  4. Ability in Foreign Language.

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