School Of Architecture And Environmental Design- mortezaei

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Personal Details

  Surname: Mortezaei

  Name: Seyed-Reza

  Date of birth: 5 June 1967

  E-mail: mortezaei AT 

  Present Position: Senior Lecturer

  Department : Industrial Design

  Ph.D. , in Product Design University of Brighton

 (country: UK), date: January 2008

  Tel: +98-21- 77451500-9 , 3236




  Education and Qualifications

  i) University Degrees

  · Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Product Design , University of Brighton, UK, 2003-2008

  · Master of Art in Industrial Design, Tehran University, Iran, 1994-1997

  · Bachelor of Art in Industrial Design, Art (Honar) University, Iran, 1990-1994

  · Associate of Art in Technical Drawing, 1988-1985



  ii) Sellected Short Course Certificates

 Certificate in Research Methodology, 2005” , held by the University of Brighton,

Brighton (UK), Summer 2005


  · Senior Lecturer , Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Industrial Design,

Iran University of Science and Technology, (The recruitment process began since June 2008 and

still in place).

  · Furniture Designer, Shabakeh (Mesh); Interior and Furniture Design Manufacturing

Company, Bomehen-Tehran. Sep. 96-Sep. 03. 

  · Design Journalist , Dastavard Industrial Design Magazine; A quarterly publication of

 Honar (Art) University, Tehran. Feb.91–Sep.03. 

  · Design Manager/Designer, Semak Commercial and Engineering Packaging Co. Ltd. Tehran,

 Aug. 1997-Mar. 2001 

  Teaching Experiences

  • Visiting Lecturer , Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran; Honar (Art)
  • University, Tehran. Jan.98 - Jul. 02. Responsible for teaching modules in
  • Packaging Design, Human Factors and Environmental Design.
  • Visiting Lecturer, Brighton University, Sep. 2004 – Jun. 2008. Responsible for
  • teaching modules in Emotional Design, Sustainable Design, Innovation Strategy
  • and Product Design.

  Selected Written Works

  ● Mortezaei, Seyed-Reza, 2003. Approaches in Street Furniture Design. Shahrdariha

Organisation: Tehran. (In Persian).

  ● Mortezaei, Seyed-Reza, 2001, Product Design, Honar (Art) University: Tehran.

(In Persian)

  Conference Attendance

● Mortezaei, SR.; Katz, T.; Covill, D. and Morris, R. 2008. Investigating Assessment

of Designers’ Performance through the CETL – Creativity. The 10th Engineering and Product

 Design Education Conference. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain,

 4th-5th September 2008.

  ● Mortezaei, SR. and Katz, T., 2007. Meaningful Evaluation: A case study in Cultural and

Semitic Significance. In: Proceeding of the 3rd European Workshop on Design and Semantics

of Form and Movement (DeSForm07). Northumbria University12th-13th December 2007,

 Newcastle, UK.

  ● Mortezaei, SR.; Katz, T. and Morris, R. 2005. Creativity in Education: Design

Technology – a platform for creative study? The 2nd Art & Industry Conference, Tehran:

November 9th-10th.

  ● Mortezaei, SR.; Katz, T. and Morris, R. 2005. Evaluating culture in product design by integrating

 the SOLO Taxonomy and the circuit of culture. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International

 Engineering and Product Design Conference. Napier University, Edinburgh: 15th -16th Sep 2005.

  ● Mortezaei, SR.; Katz, T. and Morris, R. 2005. Divergence in Design and Cultural Paradigms.

The third international conference on Globalisation and its Discontents University of Brighton,

 Brighton: March 12th -13th.

  ● Mortezaei, SR.; Katz, T. and Morris, R. 2004. The necessity and importance of considering

cultural background of international students in design education. In: Proceeding of

 the 2nd International Engineering and Product Design Education Conference. Delft University

 2nd -3rd September, 2004.

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