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Holding the second session of Iran Architectural and Urban scientific association of board of directors

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  Holding the second session of Iran Architectural and Urban scientific association of board of directors

  Second session of Iran architectural and urban scientific assosiation was hold on 6/3/88.

  According to decision of respected scientific association of board of directors based on convening session on Wednesday of every month ,second session of association was hold with the presence of inspector and members of board of directors on 88/02/06 at Architecture and Urban College.

  10 members of boards of directors which were from all different country’s university like( Iran Elm O Sanat Uni,Tehran Uni,Tehran Art Uni,Isfahan Art Uni,Yazd and Azad Uni)inspector and replaced members got together and discussed about these Items:

  - Statistic committee and public relations report based on providing association webbing and association virtual support from ‘’second national congress of local fanavari’’ from Dr.Faizi (chairman of the board of directors and architecrural college chancellor of Iran Elm O Sanat University)


  _ suggestion for printing forming and goals of association in inside(local) and outside (foreign)technical magazins.


  - Suggestion to Dr. Mahdizadeh(member of scientific board of Elmo Sanat university Architectural college)for designing responsibility of site association .

  - Education and research committee from Dr.Ezadi (vice president of association and president of Tehran Art universiry )according to consultation with some members and also holding session in Tehran university emphasized on scientifical – researching functions and take into consideration islamic – Iranian problems.there was some suggestions based on voting on this subject in future.

  - Dr.Diba (architecture association group director) emphasized on reducing spaces between professional,academic,educational fields in basic principles of architecture and urban and impartiality in taking members.

  - Discussion and exchanging views about association general policies about printing technical magazine and cooperation with other magazines that for more discussion it placed in next agenda .


  Next agenda (88/04/03) : primary format of site association- general policies of association-association direction inorder to cooperation with technical magazines- Arm (Logo)suggestions consideration.


  Those who are interested in association membership if they have proper criteria can send membership letter of application to Fax no : 77240468 or send their e-mails

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