School Of Architecture And Environmental Design- Dr KHeyreddin,Reza
Dr KHeyreddin,Reza

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  Name: Reza

  Urban Planning department

  Iran University of Science and Technology

  Narmak, Tehran, Iran

  Tel: +98(0)2177240467





  Associate Professor in Urban Planning department,

  Member of faculty and Vice chancellor for education

  Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

  Iran University of Science and Technology (IRAN)

  Chercheur attaché à l’Équipe IPAPE ( Ingénierie du Projet d’Aménagement, Paysage et Environnement) , CITERES (Cités, Territoires, Environnement & Sociétés), (UMR 7324)
Département Aménagement, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université François Rabelais de Tours

  Research Interests/ Domaine de recherche :

  Quantitative and Spatial Analysis of Urban & Regional Transformation/ Analyse Quantitative et Spatiale de Transformation Urbaine et Régionale

  Mega-Cities and Metropolization/ Très Grandes Villes et Métropolisation

  Petroleum Cities (Iran & midel -East)/ Villes Pétrolières (Iran et Moyen Orient)



  - University of Paris X-Nanterre, Paris- France, Ph.D. in Urban Planning, 2009.

  Ph.D. program: “Policies, Practices and Methods for Urban regeneration in the scale of Tehran metropolis”, Mention: “Very Honorable”. On line in the website of Paris-X University:

  - University of Tehran, Master’s degree in urban & regional Planning: 1998, G.P.A : 16.66 (out of 20)

  M.S. thesis title: "Inner city growth by revitalization of urban spaces of King Hasan complex in Tabriz- Iran"

  - University of Tehran – Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering & rural development: 1994. G.P.A. 15.60 (out of 20)

  - Alborz High School of Tehran-Iran High School Diploma in the field of Physics &mathematics G.P.A. : 16.66 (out of 20)

Professional Experience

  - Training formation in APUR (Atelier Parisien d’Urbanisme), Paris Municipality, France, June et July 2009.

  - Ecole de Mèze : « Modélisation et simulation multi-agents en sciences sociales : Cours d’initiation aux principes, pratiques, méthodes » Responsables Mr Nils Ferrand, UMR G-EAU Cemagref et Frédéric Amblard, IRIT- Université de Toulouse 1. stage du 8 au 14 avril 2007 à Mèze, France.

  - Capable in applying Geographical Information System (GIS) and quantitative analyses.

  - Cooperation and Advising in the regional Development Plans to Ministry of Jihad Sazandegi (Amenagement) (1996-1999)

  - Head-Standard Compilation and Technical Affairs – Technical Deputy – Planning Organization –Tehran Province – (2001 to 2003).

  - Member of Construction Engineering System Organization of Tehran-Iran (membership No:10-3-0-23360) with a License for Engagement in Engineering Gob from ministry of housing and urban development of Iran

Research and Publications

  1. Reza Kheyroddin et al, 2012, "The Study of Land Use Changes in the Tehran Metropolitan Area by Using MOLAND Model", 48th ISOCARP Congress, 10-13 September 2012, Perm, Russia.

  2. Kheyroddin R., 2012. " Gouvernance territoriale de la grand région urban de Téhéran; Entre le Développement Polycentriques el la Concentration Spatiale", ASRDLF ( Association de Science Régionale De Langue Française ) 2012 , 9 et 11 July, Belfort, France.

  3. Kheyroddin R., Piroozi R., 2012. "Suburbanization to the suburban growth poles, from planning to implementation: a study of Paris metropolitan area", ASRDLF ( Association de Science Régionale De Langue Française ) 2012 , 9 et 11 July, Belfort, France. link:

  4. Kheyroddin, R., Piroozi, R., 2012. " A Comparative Study of Paris and Tehran Metropolitan Area Suburbanization to the Suburban Growth Poles and Metropolization", NARSC ( North American Regional Science Council ) 2012 , 7 to 10 November, Ottawa, Canada.

    5. Kheyroddin, R., Piroozi, R., 2012. " Analyser la relation entre la régulation d’occupation du sol et le prix du terrain et du logement Une aide à la décision dans l’aménagement des espaces ouverts dans les territoires métropolitains, Cas d’étude : Téhéran, Iran ", ACFAS ( Association francophone pour le savoir )2012, 7 to 11 May, Montreal, Canada.

  6. Kheyroddin, R., Piroozi, R., 2012. "New Land Developments Planning Decision-Making by Measuring Relations Between Land Use Regulations and Housing Prices: A Study of Tehran Metropolis, Iran ", ERSA ( European Regional Science Association ( 2012, 21 to 25 August, Bratislava, Slovakia.

  7. Kheyroddin, R., Piroozi, R., 2012. " New towns land use planning decision-making by measuring relations between land use regulations and housing prices: a study of Tehran metropolitan area ", AESOP ( Association of European Schools of Planning Annual Meeting ) 2012, 11 to 14 July, Ankara, Turkey.

  8. Kheyroddin R., Razpour M., 2012. " Regional changes and resilience in Dubai city " AESOP ( Association of European Schools of Planning Annual Meeting ) 2012, 11to14 July, Ankara, Turkey.

  9. Kheyroddin, Reza, 2010, A geo-referenciel analysis on urban governance policies in Tehran metropolis (The years 1993-2007) Toward urban integration or spatial segregation? Journal of Fine Arts: Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Memary Va Shahrsazi, (Volume: 2, Issue: 42) University of Tehran, Pp: 71-82.


  Kheyroddin , Reza. « Du modèle « nord-Sud polarisé » au modèle « Centre- Périphérie , Transformation urbaine à Téhéran métropole ». In : Colloque international de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Territoires et action publique territoriale : nouvelles ressources pour le développement régional, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada, 25-26-27 Août 2008. [21/08/2008]

  1. KHEYRODDIN. Reza, “Spatial Justice” or “Social Polarization” in North and South of Tehran? By Urban Renovation Policies in Tehran metropolis during 1992-2007”. In: 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Cohesion and Competitiveness: Regional Perspectives, Liverpool, UK, 27 – 31 August 2008. University of Liverpool: ERSA, 2008, 15p.
  2. Kheyroddin , Reza. « Téhéran, peut-elle se renouveler dans le contexte des plan globaux ? Bilan des politiques urbaines pour déterminer le cadre pertinent du renouvellement urbain à l’échelle d’une métropole ». In : Colloque international de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Territoires et action publique territoriale : nouvelles ressources pour le développement régional, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada, 25-26-27 Août 2008.
  3. KHEYRODDIN, Reza, “ Une approche Glocal pour articulation deux types d’actions face au séisme à Téhéran métropole; -Politiques globales de rénovation urbaine -Plans locaux de consolidation des tissus urbains ’’, Joint Congress of the European Regional Science Association, (47th Congress) and ASRDLF (Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française, 44th Congress), PARIS - August 29th - September 2nd, 2007.

  1. KHEYRODDIN. Reza, & SALAHIMOGHADAM. Ali-reza, “A Coordination system, between (macro / Global) urban renewal plans and ( micro / local) activities in order to decrease vulnerability of buildings in Tehran metropolitan: a dual aspect (“Glocal”)”, In: 5th international Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES) , 13-16 May 2007, Tehran, Iran.
  3. KHEYRODDIN. Reza, “ A quantitative model for Urban planning in Tehran metropolitan ”, Spatial planning conference, National center of Regional planning national, Planning & Management Organization, Tehran, Iran, December 2006.
  4. KHEYRODDIN. Reza, « Modélisation renouvellement urbain : comment déterminer des indicateurs quantitatifs du processus du dévalorisation- renouvellement d’un centre ville (Téhéran, Iran)? ». Colloque « Dynamique de valorisation et de dévalorisation des territoires urbains », Les 2 et 3 mars 2006, Centre Pierre Naville, Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne, Paris, France. 
  6. Compilation: “Final Report on Study spatial Developing Method of Tehran university Within Two Models of: “Development of Surrounding” and “Moving Outside of Tehran”. Research center of Art and Culture – University of Tehran-Tehran, May 2001.
  7. Compilation: “Research and Selection of a Suitable Qualitative Model (Math) for Evaluation of Developments in Villages of the country in 3rd Developmental Plan. ”Application of Mathematics in Human and Medical Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran – March 2001.
  8. KHEYRODDIN. Reza, Research and Compilation: “Determination of Quantitative Model for Evaluation of the Capacity of Educational Spaces and Calculating University of Tehran Educational Capacity Capable of Operation". Research center of Art and Culture, University of Tehran, Tehran, winter 2001.
  9. Preparation and Compilation : Evaluating the Condition of Villages in Kordestan Province Based on Qualitative Standards of Development Using Factor Analysis Method, Numerical Taxonomy, by using GIS ”.Planing & studies Center- Ministry of regional planning Feb.1999
  10. Compilation: “Urban Regeneration in Renovation of King Hassan Complex –Tabriz City”. The Second Congress of Urban Development and Architecture – Cultural Heritage Organization – Arg-E-Bam- April 1999.
  11. Research and Compilation : “Distinction of Rural Districts in the 3rd Development Plan of the Country”- Deputy Planning and Programming-Ministry of regional planning – Sept. 1998
  12. Compilation “Editorials of Bana Magazine” - University of Tehran Issues: (1-Winter 1993, 2-Summer 1994, 6-Autumen 1997)
  13. Compilation: “Reciprocal Impacts of Regional Development and West Azarbaijan Province Development of Communication Network – A Review on Kalantari Offshore Highway”. Collection of Articles of the 1st. Congress of Development of West Azarbaijan Province – Uromieh- Nov. 1997.
  14. Compilation: “Passing Through the Old Texture of Sahabolamr Complex (King Hassan Sq.), to the Renovation of its Ancient Texture in the City of Tabriz”. Collection of Articles of the People and Cities International Seminar- University of Tabriz- Nov. 1997.
  15. Compilation: “A Look at Policy of Land Assignment in New Andisheh City and Evaluation of its outcome”. Collection of Articles of New Cities Specialized Seminar-Esfahan- Oct. 1997
  16. Compilation: Evaluation of Impacts of War-ridden Regions Reconstruction on GNP.”(with collaboration of Mr. Hossein Kharashadizadeh), Collection of Articles on “The 3rd International Congress of War-ridden Regions Reconstruction –University of Tehran- March 1997.
  17. Compilation: Possibility of Access to Rural Development within the Framework of government Public Development Budget. “Collection of Articles on “Organization Disperse Villagers Seminar”-Hamedan- Autumn 1996
  18. Research and Compilation: “A Brief Comparison and Analysis of Urban and Rural Per Capital Developmental Plans within the Framework of Government Public Budget”. (1981 to 1994). Comprehensive Studies and Supervision Office, Deputy-Planning, Ministry of Jihad Sazandegi –Tehran- Sept. 1996.
  19. Compilation: “A Survey on Technical and Executive Specifications of Shahid Kalantari Offshore Highway” (Tabriz-Uromieh). Bana Magazine-Issues No. 4 & 5 – University of Tehran- Summer 1995.
  20. Compilation : “A Review on Civil Engineering & Developmental Activities in Iran”The first students conference on Civil Engineering / Sharif University of Technology-Faculty of Civil Engineering – May 1993.
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