student group

  Student Groups:

     • Cultural office

   • Guild council

                • Scientific association

 •  Cultural office

  Cultural office is one of the oldest students organizations and had been one of the most active students groups.

  The most important goals of cultural office By taking into consideration cultural office constitution are :

  1- Strengthening scientific –humanly freshness

  2- Initiate growth and elevation fields for university students by growth of divine humanity motivations responsibility ,mind independence morale , self confidence and expulsion of indifference towards society.

  3- Speed up and qualitative promotion of scientific and research activities of university students in direction of society needs

  4- Trying to solve university students problems and making a place for gathering ideas and opinions and transferring it to the related managers and absorption and usage of students ability in the form of partnership and taking responsibility in necessary fields.


  • Guild council

  Guild council will be organized in order to strengthen student’s presence in partnership and programming and supervising on performance quality of rules and regulations.

  Goals of this council are :

  1- Promotion of partnership level and development of regulative activities of students in guild affairs which are related to their fields.

  2- Supervision of best performance of student’s guild council

  3- Reinforcing the intention to cooperation ,collaboration,partnership ,collective activities and promotion of self confidence and self acceptance morale of students

  4- Try to make better the conditions of student’s living,welfare and educational services and helping to create proper environment and conditions for education ,activity and dwelling of students in dormitories .


  • Scientific association

  Scientific association was formed according to the scientific associations regulations of ministry of science in year 1378 .its goals were strengthen scientific freshness between students and support of collective and spontaneous scientific and research activities of students and also guidance and partnership of talented and able students in order to scientific and cultural growth.this association operate independence of university it works under straight supervision of scientific creative center .scientific association is consist of students who are interested in partnership in research ,performing and scientific extracurricular activities . it located in industries college and manage under supervision of a 7 member council under the title of scientific association management council. members of this association were chosen according to election regulations of scientific association and by election of majority votes of college students .


  Goals of scientific association

  1- Creating a proper field for growth of talents and stimulate scientific creativity of students.

  2- Making a good pattern for scientific and research extracurricular activities of students.

  3- Increasing the student’s partnership and competition level in collective scientific activities and strengthen research relation with professors .

  4- Recognition of talented and genius students and taking advantage of their partnership in promotion of scientific space of university.

  to reach the perpetual goals ,Scientific association has compiled a one year program and a 5 perspective.




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