P.H. D. Thesis



  Alireza Monam ,P.H.D student will complete his P.H.D thesis on " Comfortability in Urban Open Spaces Evaluation of OutdoorThermal Comfort in Tehran Urban Parks " in 27 september 2011 at 10:00.Am .Supervisors : Dr. Mohsen Faizi & Dr. Mostafa Behzadfar Advisor : Dr. Shahin Heidari .


  According to the nature of open public space, it’s involved a huge part of urban activities. One of the most important principles in designing is considering thermal comfort in order to improve the quality of space and increase user’s satisfaction. Thermal comfort in outdoor settings is a topic that, until recently, has received little research attention. Most of the researches concerning thermal comfort focus indoor spaces. This PhD research project proposes to investigate aspects of landscape architecture, which could contribute to improve outdoor human thermal comfort using landscape design elements.

  This PhD research seeks to determine the relationship between the thermal environment, park use and behavioral patterns. The general aim of this research is control environmental elements, which effect on perception to increase satisfaction. Differences between calculated user’s satisfaction based on "Outdoor Thermal Comfort Module", and Perceived user’ satisfaction indicates the factors, which most likely influence the people’s satisfaction and sensation of physical comfort in urban parks.

  The study is limited to the microclimate at urban parks. This study will be conducted in Iran, Tehran, in five park area (Melat, Saei, Laleh, Shahr and Besat). The methods were used included structured interviews, observations and simultaneous measurement of thermal comfort variables. Structured interviews were carried out in each place. This instrument comprised questions about demographic variables, general and specific questions behaviors and attitudes related to placing and person. During the period of fieldwork, meteorological parameters such as air temperature, Relative Humidity, wind velocity, globe temperature, surface Temperature, sky view factor, Sound Pressure and Luminous Environment, are measured. The Mean Radiant Temperature, Physiological equivalent temperature, Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level will be calculated using these parameters. Other elements such as the degree of cloud cover, type of vegetation, albedo, color of environment and Air pollution will also be noted. Subjective thermal comfort and outdoor activity in five parks were investigated through structured interviews, observations, and comprehensive micrometeorological measurements.

  The result of this PhD research was presented in three main sections; the effect of outdoor thermal comfort on general comfort, correlations between outdoor thermal comforts; Comfortability, human and environmental elements. The result showed thermal comfort is the main component of Comfortability in urban parks. The correlation between thermal comfort and acoustic comfort is more than other components in urban open space. The difference between "evaluated people's thermal sensation" and "Predicted Mean Vote" notices the influence parameters of psychological adaptation as exception, naturalness, experience, free choice, and time of exposure. The present study confirmed the prime importance of "Mean Radiant Temperature" on outdoor thermal comfort. There is a relatively strong relationship between "sky view factor" and MRT during the day. The main result is present the range of "Physiologically Equivalent Temperature" and the model of calculation PET for outdoor space in Tehran, based on metrological and environmental data. The conclusion of this PhD research will be a set of landscape architecture solutions for improving the thermal comfort in urban parks.


  Keyword : Comfortability, Outdoor Thermal Comfort, Urban Park, Urban Open Space




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